Insects and Diseases
As air temperatures begin to warm late in the month, fungal diseases may arrive on evergreen lawns.
Be especially watchful when daytime air temperatures are 65-80 degrees, nighttime air temperatures are 50-60 degrees, and lawns are moist. Lawn diseases often appear as off-color or dead areas with clearly
defined edges. They can be controlled with lawn fungicide approved for use on your specific type of grass. It is too early in the season for most insect pests.
Be especially watchful when daytime air temperatures are 65-80 degrees, nighttime air temperatures are 50-60 degrees, and lawns are moist. Lawn diseases often appear as off-color or dead areas with clearly
defined edges. They can be controlled with lawn fungicide approved for use on your specific type of grass. It is too early in the season for most insect pests.