Aerating a fescue lawn has two immediate effects. First, it allows air to move into the soil were it provides the oxygen needed for optimal root growth. Second,it creates passage ways for water and nutrients to enter the soil.The best time of year to aerate a fescue lawn is in September before you fertilize.The second best time of year is in late February,March just before fertilizing and applying pre-emergence weed control.In both cases aerating will move fertilizer into the soil,increase water penetration,and provide plenty of oxygen for root growth. Remember not to aerate after you have applied pre-emergence weed control. It will disrupt the chemical barrier of the control and reduce it's effectiveness. Also, do not aerate during the summer months when your lawn is suffering from heat and drought. The only effective way to aerate a lawn is to use a core aerator. Core aerators are powered by an engine and remove cores of soil from the top layer of soil. Since most people do not own a core aerator most have their lawn service aerate for them. American Dream Lawn and Home Care can handle all your lawn care needs.