How grass grows
Grasses have a unique way of growing,and it's this uniqueness that allows them to be used as lawns.Think of trees,shrubs and other plants in your yard and how they grow from the tips of there stems.If grasses grew in the same way,mowing would kill the lawn and you would never get that lush green carpet that accents your home.Instead the growing point of grass is called a crown-is at its base,and all new leaves come up through the old leaves.With the growing point buried at the base of the plant,you can repeatedly cut the leaves to keep them at a uniform height.And the more you cut them the thicker the grass becomes!If you let your grass go for long periods between mowings the plant may send up seed stalks.As these develop the growing point starts to rise with them so that when you do mow,you cut it off.Do this to often and you will start to thin your grass out.